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Size: 60x42

Acrylic on canvas.

Model: Tessa
Photo: Todd Monk

See full description & specifications

This entry into my "Waterbabies" series' explores a unique perspective on beauty through the use of water distortion, with model Tessa as the central focus. The paintings intentionally distort traditional notions of beauty, Tessa's features are naturally distorted by the water in unexpected ways. This experimentation challenges viewers to reconsider their ideas about attractiveness and appreciate the interplay between perfection and imperfection.

Water, typically associated with clarity, takes on a dual role by distorting and enhancing Tessa's beauty. This serves as a metaphor for the complex nature of beauty standards. Tessa's presence adds a personal touch, representing the flexibility of these standards.

As viewers engage with the series, they are prompted to reflect on societal expectations and the dynamic concept of beauty. The intentional imperfections in these particular "Waterbabies" paintings invite appreciation for the unconventional allure that emerges when beauty is deliberately distorted through the captivating lens of water.

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