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Size: 24x30

Acrylic on canvas original of Toronto model, Brittany.

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An original painting featuring Brittany, shot by a local photographer and art directed by me.

A few years ago, my go-to model @brittchurchill was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was a double whammy for her as she is a successful model and makes her living from being in tip-top shape, and traveling for shoots. She also had a great head of hair... when her cancer happened all of those things went away... she couldn’t travel for work, she was bald and she could only stay as fit as her energy levels would allow.
When I found out about her diagnosis I teamed with a great photography team @sting.productions and we did a photoshoot highlighting Britt’s courage, strength, and vulnerability at the onset of her fight with cancer. Things were pretty dire for her and I d
onated the proceeds of the art sales to her and her cause.

Britt is way too damn photogenic, even without hair, I feel it's a big risk to paint bald women as it's still pretty shocking for North American tastes... I've always thought it was sexy.

Britt is in full remission now. She’s back to modeling, fitness, healthy living, and growing hair. She’s also been sponsored by various companies and is a cancer awareness spokesperson. Check her out at @brittchurchill she’s a survivor...

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